Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer any discounted plans?

Do you offer any discounted plans?

We are offering a 10% discount for your second child.

Can my trial session fees be used to offset from the total package fees?

Can my trial session fees be used to offset from the total package fees?

Upon signup of package on the same day as trial session, the fees from the trial session will be used to offset from the package fees.

Are materials provided for class?

Are materials provided for class?

Yes, all materials are provided for all classes.

What does my child need to wear for physical development classes?

What does my child need to wear for physical development classes?

Comfortable clothing and firm undergarments whilst allowing full mobility for stretches and gross motor movements.

For computer classes do we need to pay for software use?

For computer classes do we need to pay for software use?

No, we will provide our licensed software during sessions.